Thursday, October 28, 2010

Homage of a Mr. Minor White

When I was told to find a photographer to pay homage to I immediately found Minor White, and was astounded by his work. He incorporates textures, the environment, and architecture into his photography. I hope that I have captured his technique, and have done a good job of finding my own vision as a photographer.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Homage to Minor White, continued

Minor White photographed many things, he did a lot of landscape and building photography.  That is the aspect of his work that I will be performing.  I am interested in landscapes and buildings and I hope that I convey that effectively.

I have chosen these two photos to include in this blog post because I believe that they portrait his photographic styles well.  Minor White shot many landscapes that included a lot of action in them, and I believe that the top photo shows that well.  The top photo includes many things and has a nice haze to it.  The bottom photo is a picture of a building.  Minor White shot many buildings, and that is why I chose to include this photo.
I am hoping that I have done an adequate job in showing Minor Whites views towards  photography.