Thursday, December 16, 2010

This is a slide show of photo designs of poetry by Connie Wanek and Louis Jenkins.  I hope that these designs will fit the poems that I have chosen, and will do these great poets justice.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Helvetica is a movie made about a style of type design that is used around the world. Helvetica is significant in that it is really a clean, clear, and modern style of typing. Helvetica is seen by many as a boring way to type, and others believe it to be just what the world needs to see, I guess that it just depends on where you are. Helvetica is a san-serif type, which puts in the new generation of typography. I do not generally enjoy Helvetica, because I am not a person very interested in a clean way of communication, and I have a flare for strange texts. I really enjoy that Helvetica is used in important places given that in some areas clean communication is definitely necessary. There are many different styles of type created all the time, and the trade is ever growing. Along with the many styles of type come many great typographers. One such is David Carson. He is an American typographer, who is very famous in todays world.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Homage of a Mr. Minor White

When I was told to find a photographer to pay homage to I immediately found Minor White, and was astounded by his work. He incorporates textures, the environment, and architecture into his photography. I hope that I have captured his technique, and have done a good job of finding my own vision as a photographer.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Homage to Minor White, continued

Minor White photographed many things, he did a lot of landscape and building photography.  That is the aspect of his work that I will be performing.  I am interested in landscapes and buildings and I hope that I convey that effectively.

I have chosen these two photos to include in this blog post because I believe that they portrait his photographic styles well.  Minor White shot many landscapes that included a lot of action in them, and I believe that the top photo shows that well.  The top photo includes many things and has a nice haze to it.  The bottom photo is a picture of a building.  Minor White shot many buildings, and that is why I chose to include this photo.
I am hoping that I have done an adequate job in showing Minor Whites views towards  photography.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Paying homage to Minor White

Homage- "anything given or done to show reverence, honor, or respect: usually with do or pay:"

For this assignment I have chosen to pay homage to Minor White.  White was a texture and landscape photographer and that really inspires me, because I love landscapes and textures.   To pay homage to him I will do my best to capture the essence that made him one of the most renowned photographers.  Mr. White served as professor at MIT, and was also involved in the war, and I will be using both of these things as inspiration.  My collection will consist of many landscape and building pictures, as well as some of odd or unusual textures which look appealing.  I believe that doing these things and following Whites techniques will make it very easy to pay homage to the great photographer and make for a great piece of work.  Minor White really inspires me when it comes to photography and although my photos will probably be more modern and complex than he would have done, I do believe that he would appreciate the thought of me paying homage to his work.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Minor White

Minor White, was born in Minneapolis Minnesota on July 9th, 1908 and he died in Boston Massachusetts on June 24th 1976 at the age of 67 years old.  He received a degree in botany from the University of Minnesota.  He changed his religion many times.  He went to Columbia University where he became world renowned and studied by many of the greatest photographers.  He also did much work at the famous  Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

"I'm always mentally photographing everything as practice."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

World War II Photography

    Something of great interest to me is war photography.  While watching the video on American Photography I decided to choose World War II photography as my subject for this blog.  Photography was an important part of World War II as it showed many important aspects of World War II.  What I think is important about war photography is that an immense amount of people die and many are forgotten, but with photography those soldiers fighting for their country can be remembered.  The movie documents a few really important moments in American history, with the soldiers raising the American flag on Iwo Jima and the documentation of D-Day.
    One of the greatest innovations in world history is that of the photograph which makes it possible to see the horrors of war.  After seeing many war photos it becomes clear that the public deserves to know the truth.  In the movie it is said that many photos were held back because they were thought to be either too graphic or too revealing for the public to view.
    I believe that war photography is some of the best photography in the world and because of this, I believe that this photography from World War II is a real piece of art and history.