Thursday, September 16, 2010

World War II Photography

    Something of great interest to me is war photography.  While watching the video on American Photography I decided to choose World War II photography as my subject for this blog.  Photography was an important part of World War II as it showed many important aspects of World War II.  What I think is important about war photography is that an immense amount of people die and many are forgotten, but with photography those soldiers fighting for their country can be remembered.  The movie documents a few really important moments in American history, with the soldiers raising the American flag on Iwo Jima and the documentation of D-Day.
    One of the greatest innovations in world history is that of the photograph which makes it possible to see the horrors of war.  After seeing many war photos it becomes clear that the public deserves to know the truth.  In the movie it is said that many photos were held back because they were thought to be either too graphic or too revealing for the public to view.
    I believe that war photography is some of the best photography in the world and because of this, I believe that this photography from World War II is a real piece of art and history.

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